Notes group splitted into high and low clef

• Jun 24, 2015 - 22:24

Hi, gang!!!

I uploaded a piece, a very known classical piece I downloaded from Internet (*.MID format) and I "translated" with MuseScore.

My only one problem is about the xilophone staffs (high and low clefs). Sometimes the note groups "jump" from high to low and viceversa, broken the "group" concept.

How to avoid it? ??? I mean, I know how to do that manually (note by note), but I'm looking for an automatic way.

Thanks a lot for your help!!!



Attachment Size
DINICU, GRIGORAS - Hora Staccato.mscz 38.99 KB


In reply to by jotape1960

When I import that file, the vibraphone part has only one staff. So I guess you must have used the split staff function to split it into two? When you do that, you can choose the point at which it splits. But it is an all-or-nothing affair - you can't have some notes above the split point in one staff, others in another staff. If you want that, you will have to move notes manually I'm afraid. This is one of the (very many) drawbacks of trying to use MIDI as a way of importing information into a notation program - the MIDI file simply doens't contain a lot of the information you might want.

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