MIDI format exporting

• Jun 28, 2015 - 21:01

Hi, Gang!!!

I exported a rhythmic piece (to test the sound changes) from MuseScore 2.0.1 to an standard MIDI format file.

Then I open the MIDI file with another MIDI software and I discovered that all the rhythm notes are duplicated...

Is it normal? How can we avoid it? ???

BTW: The expected percussion set changes aren't working into the MIDI file playback (on the other MIDI software). Some idea bout this? ???




I'm not sure how you created that score, but I guess you are aware it plays back as piano in MsueScore? Did you do that deliberately? That shouldn't happen unless you for some reason explicitly told MuseScore at some point not to treat those staves as drumset staves. That could be related to your MIDI export issue, not sure.

In reply to by jotape1960

When you first create a score from scratch and you are selecting the instruments to add, if you switch from "Common instruments" to "All instruments", there will then be a category you can select called "Marching Percussion" that contains a number of special instruments used in marching bands. Because these use special non-GM sounds, these will play back as piano unless you set the sound in the Mixer.

Howeve,r if you create the score normally - selecting your percussion instruments under "Unpitched percussion" - then your playback should already be correct. So you must have done something unusual to make your percussion instruments play as piano. Can you describe step by step how you set up that score, and at what point the sound changed form percussion to piano?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I started with a "blank" score (from scratch). Then I chose the instruments, using a single 5 lines scores for all them (percussion set). I used the orchestra set. Then I input the notes one by one, with the mouse, selecting the "instruments" (sounds) from the percussion palette. I can assure you I didn't use any kind of duplication on any note.

When I playback the file into MuseScore, there is not any duplication and all sounds are so good.

The problem is when I playback it when another MIDI software (Cakewalk Home Studio, to be exact). In the other program I got duplicated notes, all notes. It's so rare!!!

In reply to by jotape1960

Well, I am confused, because when I play your score, all I hear is piano. Somehow you must have done something beyond what you describe here to make this happen, and to make things sound OK on your system. Do you have a custom soundfont loaded? A custom instruments.xml file?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I don't understand why you get the piano sound.

I re-uploaded the files (MuseScore format and MIDI format). Both are the same score. Both sounds so fine into MuseScore. The MIDI format file sounds with duplicated notes (typical out-of-phase sound) if you play it with another MIDI sequencer software (even Windows Media Player).

At least, that is the behaviour I get here.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I just have the following soundfonts into MuseScore:
GeneralUser GS MuseScore v1.44.sf2

One of my PCs (Windows XP Pro SP3), the "old" PC, has a Creative SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Sound Card and it uses the bundled Creative SoundFont file:

This one is the soundfont used by the others MIDI software I have on that PC.

The other PC (Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bits), the "new" PC, has a RealTek HD Sound Card (included into the PC motherboard), and I don't know how the MIDI system works on it (because it doesn't support soundfonts files at all).

Whatever, the duplicated sound is on both PCs.

I don't understand what it happens with this particular file. Other files sound fine. It's so weird!!!

I can't upload the soundfont files I use because the "File attachments menu" (of the forum) doesn't allow it (by size and file name extension). Sorry!!!

It plays back as Piano in MuseScore 2 here as well.

I've just solved the mystery.

You have obviously got GeneralUserGS as your default soundfont and have saved it to score.

Adding GeneralUserGS to the top of the soundfont list magically brings the drums to life.

Guess we have happened upon a bug!

Gotta run now - I'm playing for a funeral.

Will report it later.

Can you confirm that you saved GeneralUserGS to score?

I've just looked at the event list from your MIDI file, and can confirm that there is no repetition of Note On events.

I suspect you have stumbled upon a phenomenon known as MIDI Echo.

This occurs when a sequencer outputs an event to an In port and MIDI Thru copies it via the out port back into the In port again.

This is a well known problem on some Roland keyboards, but can also occur when sequencers have a software Thru.

I would need to know more about your MIDI setup to ascertain this.

The remedy is simple - isolating the rogue MIDI Thru (probably a software Thru in Cakewalk Home Studio) and switching it off.

In reply to by jotape1960

I upload a new file, from scratch, with all the percussion instruments separated to its own staff.

I use the "FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3" soundfont file to all parts of this file.

The phenomenom remains the same: the MuseScore file sounds so good, but the MuseScore MIDI translation is with duplicated notes, all notes, all instruments (when you play that file with another MIDI sequencer).

BTW: The instruments sound change is audible only with MuseScore (nothing happen with the other sequencers).

I don't understand!!!

I'm just the only one with this issue? Is it something related with my PCs, only? ???


Attachment Size
Percussion Sets Test.mscz 16.61 KB
Percussion Sets Test.mid 28.45 KB

In reply to by jotape1960

OK, let's have a look at your MIDI setup.

First question - is the MIDI Echo problem occurring on youe Windows XP machine with the Soundblaster card? Or the Windows 7 machine?

2. Do you have any hardware MIDI interfaces which are connecting external gear to the PC (such as a MIDI keyboard)

3. Are you using any software MIDI connections such as LoopBE, loopMIDI, MIDIox etc?

4. Are you using JACK to stream MIDI from MuseScore to Cakewalk?

Incidentally MIDI export currently doesn't export patch changes (or other controller information) other than at the beginning of the file. This is due to the lack of an internal timer in MuseScore, which is, consequently, unable to timestamp these events.

Igevorse is currently doing work on opening up more MIDI control so we may get this eventually :)

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

1) I don't have any problem with the MIDI system in my PCs (Win XP and Win 7), out of MuseScore.

2) Yes, I have a MIDI keyboard connected to my Win XP PC through one USB port. But it has been off (disconnected) in all this issue time.

3) Not. I don't know those connections and I don't have them.

4) Not, I don't have Jack installed on my PCs.

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