Accidental issue

• Jun 28, 2015 - 21:14

Hi, Gang!!!

I wrote a short line, with accidental (a sharp). I uploaded as "Accidental issue" and "Accidental issue fixed"

My question is about why MuseScore needs the two sharps of the 3rd measure. Isn't it suppose the first sharp is enough to all that measure (unless we need something different, of course)? ???



Attachment Size
Accidental issue.mscz 3.77 KB
Accidental issue fixed.mscz 3.71 KB


If you put the notes in first and then add an accidental to the first one, it won't change the pitch of other notes you've already added (so a natural sign will be added to the second note). However, if you add an accidental to the first note, and then add the second note, the second note will automatically be the same as the first.

If you do want to first create the notes and then add the accidentals only after the measure is complete, you don't have to add an additional accidental symbol to the second note. You can simply correct it with the arrow keys, so it will be like this:

Attachment Size
Accidental issue fixed.mscz 3.92 KB

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