Free Text?

• Dec 21, 2008 - 21:30


now that I have asked already some questions (and get fast and helpful feedback) I realaized that I'd never sad thank you for musescore. So I will do now :-) It is really a great program and the longer I use it the better it seams to me.

Nevertheless I have of course another question ;-) Is there a possibility to enter free test (e.g to add some more verses) somewhere below the score. I though about "abusing" some texttypes (e.g. copyright). Probably this would work but I was for example not able to past text into a "copyright" field. Is there an easier solution?



First append a vertical frame to your score. Right click into the frame and select add->poet. This text is bound to the box and can be free edited.
This feature is not much tested and maybe some needed features (margins, formatting etc.) are missing.

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