Tuned percussion question

• Jul 6, 2015 - 23:21

Hi, gang!!!

Why when we start from scratch an score to Vibraphone and Xilophone, MuseScore just put only a high pith (G clef) staff? ???

Isn't supposed it should be 2 staffs (like piano or harpsichord)? ???

When we choose Marimba, then MuseScore put 2 staffs. And Marimba has almost the same notes range than the Vibraphone and Xilophone. So...




It is not the norm for music for these instruments to be published with two staves. It is probably more common for marimba than the others because its range is actually wide enough to call for it. See for instance http://www.salazarfinetuning.com/keyboardrange.php. While there are a variety opf different models of these instruments, on average the marimba goes much lower and has a much more extensive range.

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