Lubuntu issue

• Jul 15, 2015 - 09:54

Hi, Gang!!!

Due to a critical failure in my old PC (P4 at 3 GHZ, 2 CPUs, 1.5 GB RAM), I had to change the Operating System and, as I lost the original Windows XP CD, I installed LUBUNTU (because I tried to use UBUNTU, but my PC was running t o o s s l l o o w w).

Then, after some LUBUNTU udgrades, I downloaded MuseScore 2.0.1, BUT... Surprise!!! When I open the installed MuseScore, it was 1.3 version, not 2.0.1.

I tried twice and... I got the same.

What's wrong here? ???

How can I install the 2.0.1 version, here? ???




In reply to by robert leleu

None of that.

I entered into this webpage and I clicked on the [DOWNLOAD] button and then LINUX.

All the downloading process was fine.

When I open the program... Such a thing!!! It's 1.3 version!!!

Isn't there a full 2.0.1 version executable file to download? ???



In reply to by jotape1960

I see

Have a look to and at especially the explanation about repositories.
The address in PPA I gave you is a repository, and has to be addressed by specialized softwares as Synaptic and SoftwareManager.
Once this Software knows that you are interested in the softwares available in the PPA repository you'll find them.

At the time I am on a Mint Linux system and can't be very precise. To morrow, if you haven't find I check with a Lubuntu (french) system.

Á caso ¿ Habla Vd castellano ?

In reply to by robert leleu

Yes, Sir!!!

I speak spanish since I can remember (I'm chilean, man).

Just a question: there is a Wine compatibility layer to run any Windows program with Linux. I tested with some "minor" programs and.. It works!!! I wonder if it is enough to run MuseScore 2.0.1 (Windows version) without problems on my Lubuntu. Does it? ???

In reply to by robert leleu

I tried with a lot of ways with the Synaptic Packages Admin and it just gives an error.

The Lubuntu Software Center just shows the 1.3 version.

I tried to run the .MSI Windows installation file but Lubuntu doesn't recognize it as an "executable" file (Lubuntu has the Wine compatibility layer installed, but it just give the offering to open that file as a ZIP compressed file).

In other words, I failured to install the last version. I just got the 1.3 version. It runs so fine, but I can't read the last files I made with 2.0.1.

I don't know what to do about this!!!

Why not to add a typical Linux downloadable format file with this name: MuseScore_2_0_1_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz, into the Donwload options? ???




In reply to by jotape1960

Vamos á seguir en inglès.....

Since you found Synaptic, you should add the PPA you see in attachment 53

and then, searching for musescore (not mscore) you should see attachment 54

These attachment are made under Mint..... I prepare the Lubuntu ones and send them ..... por la mañana

BTW the PPA gives the 2.0.0 but I think it reads 2.0.1 files

Wine runs the .exe files, among them mscore.exe, but consumes calculation power.

For sure we would appreciate to have official 2.0 package. This relies on Ubuntu packagers, not on mscore developers...

As far as I'm concerned I prepare the linux nightlies in . They are binaries, should run "out of the box" but I fear they requires a lot of libraries to actually run.

Attachment Size
capture d'écran53.png 102.44 KB
capture d'écran54.png 113.03 KB

In reply to by robert leleu

Instructiones por Lubuntu 15.04 (ajustar en caso de otra version)

ir en abrir Technical details about this PPA, copiar la primera linea deb y instalarla en Synaptic (imagén 2). No tome miedo de los "errores», olvidelos. La secunda linea deb instalara por si mismo.
Recargar el rollo de los paquetes, y buscar «musescore» (no mscore).....vendra imagén 1

Instalar musescore 2.0

Attachment Size
snapshot2.png 117.57 KB
snapshot1.png 85.01 KB

In reply to by robert leleu

I followed and did all your directions, and the system (Synaptic) said that the program is installed, BUT... I can't found the typical program icon, nowhere!!!

Which is the "executable" file on the musescore directory? ???

Or, How can I run it? From Where? ???

BTW: I uninstalled the 1.3 version but I can't remove that directory. Is there some unnecessary files eraser to Lubuntu (something like "bleachbit system cleaner")? ???



In reply to by jotape1960

Indeed it has been installed in "Autres ...". (Otros, Others)
The binary "mscore" is in /var/bin Doubleclick the file....
It seems that one can have 1.3 and 2.0 on the same machine, and even run them simultaneously.
Tu uninstall a program in Ubuntu use Synaptic and the contextual menu of the package.

In reply to by robert leleu

There isn't a "bin" folder into the "var" folder on my system. The only one "bin" folder I found is on the "system root" folder.

Whatever, there wasn't any MuseScore icon (or program) there.

I uninstalled all the MuseScore software from my system and I got to erase both folders: MuseScore and MuseScore2.

I'll be waiting for the full web 2.0.2 upgrade. I think it's better (not to me, because I have to make 2 scores to my church next week, but... That's life!)



In reply to by jotape1960

You could have tried mscore by opening a terminal and typing mscore.
Or searching for it using the dashboard (but in fact I use the traditional menu and could not help)
Or searching the mscore file with the search tool.

I'm baffled by the absence of /var
It seems to me that it's a repertory used by "added" softwares.
The 2.0.2 will for sure have to wait for Ubuntu packagers

for sure you were not far from having an operational 2.0....

In reply to by robert leleu

Thanks God, and your idea, I could install the 2.0.0 version from the Terminal Window, and It works!!!

Now I have the program icon on "Sound and Video" Lubuntu Main Menu.

Well, now I can work on the scores I have to make.


BTW: Can you send me an e-mail ( to have your e-mail address? I need some extra help but not with MuseScore.



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