Voltas and Repeat Problems

• Jul 18, 2015 - 22:35

For the piece I'm doing, the song has an intro, followed by the main body, and a first and second ending. However, at the second ending there is a repeat that goes back to the beginning of the main body. I want to be able to play the entire thing again with both endings, but Musescore will only play back the second ending. Essentially what I want is:

[Intro] -> [Main Body] -> [First Ending] -> [Main Body] -> [Second Ending] -> [Main Body] -> [First Ending] -> [Main Body] -> [Second Ending]

But because of the way voltas and repeats are set up, it will only let me do this:

[Intro] -> [Main Body] -> [First Ending] -> [Main Body] -> [Second Ending] -> [Main Body] -> [Second Ending]

Anyone know how to change this in the settings?

EDIT: Nevermind, I've got it figured out.


I'm not totally sure I follow - it's always better to post the score you are having problems with so we can see exsactly what you mean and try it for ourselves. But if I understand correctly, you don't want a first ending and second ending - you a "first and third" and "second and fourth" ending. You will need to right click each volta and set the properties accordingly, but even so, it's kind of complicated and non-intuitive, so it would help to see your actual score before advising you further.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, I guess the explanation wasn't clear enough.

When the song reaches the second ending the first time, it loops back to the main body of the piece. What the playback does the second time is go straight to the second ending.

I would like it so that upon playback, when the entire song repeats, it does not skip the first ending and go straight to the second ending. Hope this makes it clearer.

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