
• Sep 22, 2010 - 17:09

Can we have the option (or general implementation) that things such as Hairpin perhaps snap to notes/rests (so that everything looks tidy)?


It sort of does already. If you press H to add the hairpin to a particular note. Double click the hairpin and use Ctrl+Arrow (left or right) to move the end of the hairpin over a note (or rest).

For full details see Hairpin in the handbook.

If you move it by mouse, can it act similar to the keyboard (going to/through each note), rather than move around independently (where it may not have any effect upon playback)?

If there's a line break, what would you suggest? Doing it by keyboard would be no problem though.

It does bring up this , with regards to the automatic management - keeping things correct and tidy.

In reply to by chen lung

In my mind, movement via the mouse should anchor to the closest note. If you drag to the next system it should pass through the two systems as expected. There would be no snapping via mouse and therefore no loss of freedom, just the added convenience of snapping to the right note.

In reply to by chen lung

System = a group of staves to be played at once. Eg, in a piano score, each system has two staves: RH and LH. In an orchestra score, each system might have 20 or more staves. sometimes we speak informally about he next "line" of music, but when you need to make a distnction betwene the next staff within the system (eg, from RH to LH) and the next whole system of staves, that's the proper language.

In reply to by chen lung

"How would you drag it to the next line?" I'm suggesting just dragging to the next line (does that make sense?)

Going off the page into imaginary space and having it pop up somewhere else on the page seems convoluted to me.

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