selection of score notes section and allow to drag and drop elsewhere in the score.

• Aug 6, 2015 - 15:24
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

Please allow drag action of a selection of range of notes in a measure(s) to be cut and pasted into a specific location elsewhere.

This should eb done as one does in Word, by highlighting selection, hold left button while urso dragging into location in score.


GIT commit: a925ae0


This is a little bit unclear—is this a request for measures to be drag-and-drop enabled, or for the ability to select measures by dragging and highlighting them? If the latter, did you know that you can do that by holding down [Shift] as you drag?

By the way, your GIT commit number refers to MuseScore 2.0 Beta 2. If you really are still using that ancient, bug-filled beta release, you should start using a stable release as soon as possible. The stable Version 2.0 was released in March of this year, 2.0.1 came out in May, and 2.0.2 (with new features!) just came out in July. Get the latest version from

If I select a range of notes by holding the shift key, I cant drag them while holding the left click/button and mouse drag the highlighted (square boxed) selection into another location and measure. I find that sometimes I need to move a few notes left or right in a measure or somewhere else.

I tried what you suggested, and have upgraded to 2.0.2

Thank you very very much for the quick reply.


Status (old) needs info active

I guess it's a valid request.

One more thing you might like to know: while in note input mode, [Shift]+[Left]/[Right] will move a note forward or backward.

Thanks. I guess the "while in note input mode, [Shift]+[Left]/[Right] will move a note forward or backward." mentioned is a very weak version of the feature I am requesting.

To be clear though: copy/cut and paste already *is* possible. It uses the more standard mechanism Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V (or the corresponsing Edit menu items). So the *feature* exists, it just happens to not be accessible by drag alone. I'm actually not familiar with other applications that use a drag motion to initiate copy or cut and paste, although I will take your word for it that Word does.

That's in LibreOffice Writer, too. Select a paragraph, and you'll find it can be dragged before or after another paragraph (essentially, cut from one place and pasted into another with just a drag).

The feature is helpful. Suppose one realizes that a measure of notes (say 4 quarter notes in a 4/4 time measure) are wrong in that they no longer support the down beat, and that a triplet of eight notes should be inserted into the 3rd beat in that measure. You can't split that measure and insert the triplet. So you would need to highlight all notes from that beat to the end of the piece, cut it, and place the cut notes one quarter beat to the right.
If they are in the middle of a huge amount of notes, that can be a problem.

Anyway it would be nice to drag and drop a selection of notes.

I still would like to have a previous request to allow one the dynamically hear a chord one is building, instead of creating a one one beat selection and do a repeat play loop.

I also requested the ability to prehear or preview the instrument sound in the select instrument panel. It would help it deciding on the instrumentation.

Can we receive an email notification for updates or have musescore remind one that there is an update upon opening musescore?


Again, moving a selection via cut/paste is *already* possible. Am I still missing something? I am not getting how what you describe differs from the already-supported cut/paste. As far as I can tell, it accomplishes the exact same thing, it just uses a slightly different (and non-standard) method of achieving those exact same results.

If you are saying there is some sort of difference, can you post the specific score you are having problems with and describe more precisely exactly what it is you want to do that cut/paste doesn't allow?

If you are simply saying that you would like MuseScore to support this additional way of doing the same thing that cut/paste already does, that's fine, it's just not clear that this is what you are saying.

You can receive notice of updates by signing up for the newsletter. Other feature requests should be discussed in their corresponding issues / forum threads.

The existing cut paste does the same thing, the drag drop is faster as a UI.
To do the same now, one inserts a measure after the problem measure, cut and past a portion from problem measure and place in the empty newly inserted measure, etc.

It a matter of inserting new notes into an existing piece as well as shuffling ( dragging) measures around within a piece of music.

I thought many would need this.

I still don't understand, Again, a specific score and precise description would rerally help in making yourself clear. If you need to insert a measure with cut and paste, you would need to with a drag method as well, no?

Although *maybe* I understand what you mean. I guess perhaps you are thinking that if had A B C and dragged B after C, then C would also automatically slide to the left to take up the space originally taken by B? If so, then I understand the desire for the feature better, but it still seems a bad idea to tie it to dragging, which is a non-standard way of doing this and is physically awkward operation for many people, and indeed completely possible for some (eg, blind users). I'd rather see it implemented as a special form of cut & paste. If someone then wanted to add drag as an alternate way of doing it, I wouldn't complain, but the first step is to define the functionality itself and to define a more standard / accessible way of accomplishing it. Then mouse shortcuts could be added on.

Yes.." if had A B C and dragged B after C, then C would also automatically slide to the left to take up the space originally taken by B? "
That is correct!!
One can currently can drag a note up or down to change its pitch, but one can't drag it forward or backward in time across other notes.

I could imagine implementation of sliding note C to the left would be difficult and have non-obvious expected behavior if A, B, or C were part of a triplet, or have a slur or tie, or have different durations in each voice, for instance.