Rehearsal marks and other text do not update after change in corresponding style (1.x)

• Oct 8, 2010 - 17:06
S4 - Minor


Changing these parameters to shift the letters is having no effect.


Thank you for responding.
Please see the attached file.

It's just a generic file that I added a double bar line to and added a rehearsal mark.

In the file at present, if you go to Style>edit text style>Rehearsal letter you will see that the x axis is set to -3. When I placed the rehearsal mark and went to the page I am discussing, the x axis was set to 0. I changed it but there is no corresponding movement in the rehearsal letter.

XP3 r 3507.

1. Create a generic file using Piano
2. Place a double barline
3.Select the rest in the bar
4. Using ctrl-m, place a rehearsal letter
5 Go to Style>edit text style>Rehearsal mark and alter the x and/or y axes
6. Apply and Okay.
7. There is no change in the position of the rehearsal mark
8. Save and reload/.
9. There is no change in the position of the rehearsal mark


Attachment Size
Rehearsal Letters.mscz 1.77 KB
Title Style>edit text style>Rehearsal letter [trunk] Style>edit text style>Rehearsal letter

seems to work in branch.
trunk has some more general text property issues

Title [trunk] Style>edit text style>Rehearsal letter Inconsistencies with positioning of rehearsal letter

Is this still a problem?

Are you able to improve on my title?

Title Inconsistencies with positioning of rehearsal letter Rehearsal marks and other text do not update after change in corresponding style (1.x)
Status (old) needs info closed

In 1.X, style changes never alter existing text - not for rehearsal letters or any other text (except chordnmaes, which are special because they are generated / rendered on the fly). In the trunk, style changes do affect existing rext, and this has been true for a very long time. I just verified yesterday this does in fact work for rehearsal marks.