Play function grayed on new Windows 10 PC

• Sep 20, 2015 - 20:55
S5 - Suggestion

No functions available starting with undo

GIT commit: f51dc11


Please be sure you have installed correctly, and follow the isntructions under "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook.

If this does not saolve your problem, please ask for further assistance in the Support forum ("Help / Ask for Help" from within MuseScore), not in the issue tracker. And provide as much detail as you can, including the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step isntructions to reproduce the problem. If the problem involves playback (not clear if it is playback or undo that is your problem?), tell us what soundfont(s) you see loaded in View / Synthesizer, also your settings in Edit / Preferences / I/O.

Hi Sara,

Did this happen with a clean install? Or did you manage to work with MuseScore before this problem came up?