Rest/note entry

• Sep 27, 2015 - 19:28

I do not consider myself to be computer literate and I cannot read music. I know a wee bit of theory. In trying to do a new score I see four beat rests in all bars. I press zero and a one beat rest appears. I want to start with an eighth rest. How do I get that?
In my head I would have a melody that I want to write. But when it is played it does not sound how I would like to hear it expressed. Why can't I write it exactly how I would like to hear it sound?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for that Jojo.
But the second part of my post remains unanswered.
Let me give an example. I might want to write a melody to accompany lyrics that say
"two plus two will give you four." The best way I can write that is to use six eight notes and one quarter note. But that is not the way I want that to be expressed. I really want a small pause after the first two. In other words, the duration of the first eighth note has to be a little longer. Nothing else changes.
Can museScore help me with that or do I have to bring to the table better notation skills?

In reply to by cedy

MuseScore can certainly help you, if you know how to read/write music. If you want the second note to be longer than the firt, or if you want there to be a rest after the second note, MuseScore is happy to do thaty - if you tell it to do so. But only you know exactly how long you want that second note to be - a dotted eighth? A quarter? Maybe the first two notes make up a triplet? Or maybe there is a sixteenth rest after the second note? Or an eighth rest? MuseScore needs you to know what you want. Once you know what you want, MuseScore makes it easy to enter it. But it cannot read your mind.

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