En mi MAC, MUSESCORE 2.0.2, hay un error al introducir la armadura. No aparece la armadura seleccionada, el programa pone otra diferente a la armadura seleccionada.
GIT commit: f51dc11
una sugerencia: poder poner la partitura en modo de pantalla completa, FULL SCREEN la partitura solamente, para leerla y hacerla sonar con mayor espacio.
Please use the support forum to ask for help using MuseScore, not the issue tracker. Also, it helps to attach the specific score you are having problems with and to describe more precisely what you are having trouble with.
"Armadarura" == Armadura de clave" == Key signature. I'd bet you are using a a transposing Instrument in your score (also you username implies 'Trumpet' which indeed is a transposing Instrument).
And indeed this is something for the forum, not the issue tracker.
There is also a Spanish Forum, but there is no Spanish issue tracker ;-)