Entering quavers

• Sep 29, 2015 - 13:41

I can't find in FAQs a procedure to enter the following:-
(1) a quaver rest. (2) a quaver (3) three quavers in the time of two. Musescore joins the first quaver to the next three. How can I disconnect it?




Also read the Handbookmsection on note input in general. To enter a quaver - whether a rest or a note - simply select that duration on the toolbar (or press "4"), then type the pitch (A-G) to enter a note, or type "0" to enter a rest. To enter three quavers in the space of two, see the section on tuplets.

Also you may want to check out the tutorial videos on the main page of this site.

Thanks Mark. My question was badly phrased. I know how to enter them and I wanted to know how not to connect them by a beam. The beam from first quaver to second was preventing me from doing the tuplet with 2nd 3rd and 4th quavers.

In reply to by panicea

Hmm, I'm still confused. If enter a quaver rest followed by a quaver, followed by a triplet, there is not beam from the first quaver to the second:


Be sure to have a recent version of MuseScore - current is 2.0.2. Versions from several years ago definitely were not as smart about beaming. but you could still override them beaming as described above using the Beam Properties palette.

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