How to reverse F2 button

• Oct 1, 2015 - 14:41

Hello. I need to know how to reverse the F2 button. This is what happened. I highlight a note on the staff and press F2. This caused the key to change and the notes also changed. I am completed with my score, what do I do to reverse this? Thanks Natalie


Shift+F2 is the opposite indeed, but depending on the specifics of the score, you might not end up with all the same spellings of accidentals as before. In general, if you haven't done anything else after doing something accidentally, a simple Undo command will reverse the operation more completely. As with virtually all programs, you can undo via the Edit menu, via a toolbar icon, or the standard keybaord shrotcut Ctrl+Z (Cmd+Z on Mac).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I've always felt that F2 and Shift-F2 are very out of place on the Fkey row, and are the most dangerous keys in MuseScore. First, almost all the other Fkeys are designated for show/hide panels or other innocuous uses. Second, this is a key that makes major changes without asking OK first.

It's caught me several times when pressed by accident, and even though Shift-F2 is supposed to reverse it, I'm sure it's not perfect. Without knowing that Ctrl-Z (undo) works better, I suspect it's too easy to muck things up. Personally I wouldn't shed any tears if the functions on both keys were removed, or just bring up the Transpose option with it preset to go up or down in half steps.

In reply to by schepers

FWIW, I agree - it seems out of place to use F2 for this purpose, and it is way too easy to do this accidentally. But I do think the function is useful. I'd propose Ctrl+F2 and Shift+Ctrl+F2 as alternatives if we want to keep F2 involved for historical reasons, but I'm also open to other suggestions (eg, Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+]).

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