Ubuntu download problem

• Oct 5, 2015 - 06:41
S4 - Minor

Hi there,

Please let me know if this isn't the right forum to discuss this: I cannot download the newest version of Musescore onto my Ubuntu.

When I type in "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable, I eventually get the following message:

Reading package lists... Error!
E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repo.steampowered.com_steam_dists_precise_steam_i18_Translation-en
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened

Can anyone help me out? I have virtually no idea what this means.


Joel MacKenzie


Hi jdm16,

The file "/var/lib/apt/lists/repo.steampowered.com_steam_dists_precise_steam_i18_Translation-en" is not part of MuseScore. Am I correct in thinking you have Valve's Steam installed? That file belongs to Steam, so it appears that the problem is with nothing to do with MuseScore. You should be able to ignore the message and proceed anyway, or you could try removing Steam while you install MuseScore.

As Jojo said, you should really use the forum for questions and getting help because the issue tracker is specifically for reporting bugs. Sometimes it's not obvious whether something is a bug that needs fixing in the code or if it is just a problem you need to deal with at your end. If you're not sure then please ask on the forum first.

However, you were right to ask for help here on MuseScore.org even though your problem was specifically with Ubuntu. I frequently visit the forums here and I'm also a member of the MuseScore Maintainers team on Launchpad which manages the Ubuntu packages in the Launchpad PPA. There is no way of contacting the MuseScore Maintainers team short of emailing us as individuals, so the forums here on MuseScore.org are the best place to get help. Even if one of us doesn't see your post here immediately there are plenty of others here who are equally able to help.

When Jojo said that MuseScore developers couldn't fix the problem because it is to do with Ubuntu he was right in that the Launchpad team is not owned by or legally affiliated to MuseScore's core team, but Thomas Bonte is a member of both teams and we are the officially recommended source of MuseScore packages for Ubuntu. Such arrangements are common in the open-source world.

Hope this helps,
Peter Jonas