Amount of instruments in musescore

• Oct 14, 2015 - 02:54

Hello. I am working on a presentation and one of my points is about musescore. I want to know, how many instruments are in Musescore 2's default instrument set?


Not sure what you mean by that. If you mean how many different instruments can be in a score, the answer is, as many as your paper can fit. If you have a sheet of paper the size of a parking lot you could presumably fit thousands of instruments on it. If you mean how many different sounds are available to choose from in playback, that depends on what soundfont you have loaded. MuseScore uses the General MIDI standard normally which defines between 100 and 200 sounds depending on version, but not all of those sounds are instruments. You can use non-GM soundfonts if you wish. if you mean, how many instruments does MuseScore know about in terms of having the name, clef, and transposition information predefined, I guess maybe a couple hundred, but you can define instruments however you like, so it's not really a meaningful question.

In reply to by Shoichi

But many of those are just different names for the same instrument, or different presentations of the same instrument. Eg, guitar in both standard notation versus tablature, or euphonium in treble versus bass clef, or the dozen or so "instruments" that are just different names for the human voice. And even for instruments that are truly different - like soprano and alto recorder - they will still uses the same General MIDI sound, because General MIDI doesn't define separate sounds for them.

Which is why it's impossible to come up with a meaningful number without understanding the context.

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