Finding files and exporting with WIndows (save as xml; or mscx)

• Dec 30, 2010 - 13:09

I am trying to export as XML. Most times, when I try to find my mscz files through a rout other than musescore page, I cannot even find it (ok, I am new to this); but then, when I find it, I cannot apparently save as mscx; as a window pops up saying the file is already saved as mscz..., and when I click ok (I still want it), it still appears with the ending mscz.
I could not save as xml.
All elucidations are very welcome.

Many thanks,



I assume you are using Windows XP?

In the save dialog make sure you change the file extension to match the file type you are save to. For example if you want to save as MusicXML then the end of the file name (in the save as dialog) needs to be .xml. If you are saving as Uncompressed MuseScore format then the end of the file name (in the save as dialog) needs to be .mscx.

On Windows 7 the file extension in the save as dialog changes automatically, but I have experienced the problem you are describing on Windows XP.

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