Search Algorithm

• Nov 15, 2015 - 07:21

A few days ago I uploaded a movement of a Beethoven String Quartet. It has 4 instruments, is 19 pages long, has slurs and other elements and I shared it with a couple of groups. It is fairly comprehensive. If you type in 'Beethoven' into the search box, my piece appears on the fourth page - fair enough.

At a similar time someone else uploaded a Beethoven work 'Ode to Joy' which is two lines of simple notation. That piece is on the first page if you type in 'Beethoven'. This seems odd to me.

Are there any tips on how to get your piece noticed and appear higher up the search rankings.

Thanks for any help. Gavin


Which "Sort by" filters are you using? When I search for "Beethoven" using the default "relevance" sorting, you're near the top of the first page, and no "Ode to Joy" in sight.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Hi there and thanks for the comment. I do have 2 pieces on the first page which is great but the piece I am referring to is this one:
Beethoven String Quartet Op. 18 No.1, 2nd Mvmnt.

'Ode to Joy' is now on the top of the second page using the default 'relevance' sort option and the above piece is on page 4. It's not really a big deal, it would just be nice to know if there were specific things the search algorithm was looking for....

Thanks again.

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