Possible bug in Instrument dialogue?

• Dec 8, 2015 - 16:20

Working on an orchestral score, I need to add a couple of instruments to an existing file, neither of which will be seen in the print version but both of which are important for (a) part extraction and (b) playback sound. Unfortunately, when I add the new instruments, the check-box for 'Visible' does not appear.

I wanted to post a snapshot of the instrument dialogue box, but the 'camera' won't run when that window is open. Sorry....

Any ideas as to why this might happen, and how to remedy the situation.


The checkbox appears after you close the dialog and reopen it. Probably a bug; can't imagine why it would have been designed to work that way, but anyhow, thats the workaround.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm shaking my head and laughing, Jojo, because your logic is unassailable, as usual. But for those who don't have your ability to think clearly outside the box--which includes most of us--it would probably be less puzzling to have the program behave in a consistent, though somewhat illogical, manner, I think. ;o)


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