When note made invisible, accidental remains.

• Dec 10, 2015 - 19:10


When note made invisible, accidental remains, necessitating extra clicks to make the accidental invisible. It makes more sense to me that the accidental is a part of the note, therefore when the note is made invisible, so should the accidental.


In reply to by xavierjazz

There is a difference between a "note" and a "chord". Clicking a notehead selects only the "note", which is literally the notehead. It's the same with properties like Small, etc. If you *want* the entire chord invisible, you simply need to *select* the entire chord. Otherwise, there would be no way to affect individual components of a chord.

As mentioned,. Shift+click generally accomplishes this selection for single chords. You can also select an entire passage then use the Selection Filter from the View menu to exclude the voices you don't want affected.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In this regard I find the description of the selection filter in the handbook inadequate
(both the English and the German version:

Reading this I always thought that the selection filter is only useful for copying respectively cutting. But on the contrary: It's very useful for every operation that requires a selection.

Perhaps somebody could clarify this?

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