Instruments reset after adding soundfonts

• Dec 14, 2015 - 20:40

Hello everyone,

every time I add new soundfonts to a score (through the Synthesizer), and assign them to instruments in the Mixer, everything is fine. But then if I close the score and open it again, the soundfonts are not there anymore and I have to add them again (and remember the last assignations I made to the instruments to the Mixer).

It's quite annoying, since I have to do it every time I close and open Musescore. Sometimes it's fatal if I don't remember which instruments did I assign in the Mixer.

Besides, if I apply 'Save to score' to the current palette of soundfonts, then all the instruments are assigned to the most recent soundfont of the list in the Synthesizer, so it's another case in which all the instruments are reset.

Does it happen to anyone else? Is there any workaround or bug fix to solve this issue?

Thank you!


And that is because the synthesizer settings are not part of your score normally - they are global to MuseScore. You can either save them to the score as suggested above, or make them the default for all scores in the future using Set as Default button.

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