New "Octave lines" page needed?

• Dec 17, 2015 - 21:26

As of this morning, a new Handbook page was created at There is a brief introduction describing octave lines, and then an "Apply an octave line" section, a "Change length" section, and a "Custom lines" section.

80% of the page is an exact duplicate of the general information for all lines at

The two pages are distinguished only in their respective introductions—"Lines" mentions the several types of lines found in the palette, while "Octave lines" talks about ottavas.

I appreciate the effort in creating the new page, but I can't help feeling that this topic really does not need its own page in the Handbook. There's room for the first few lines (pun not intended) to be mentioned on the Lines page. Or, if there's no way to remove the existing page, most of its content should be replaced by links to "Lines."

What do you think?


I could have put the information on the same page as "Lines" but decided to create a separate one because voltas and hairpins also had their own pages, and it seemed better to follow the established custom.

IMO, it's better for the user to have all the info on one page, rather than having to leave a page or go to a separate part of the manual. But, as in all things, the majority has the right of veto … ;)

In reply to by geetar

Geetar, I apologize—I probably should have messaged you first before asking for public input. Good point about the pages for hairpins and voltas. On the other hand, those do have their own unique points that definitely require documentation—voltas have their Volta Properties, hairpins their velocity changes. I'm not sure that ottavas (or pedal lines, for that matter) are similarly unique in any way.

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