Scrolling on the page

• Feb 8, 2011 - 18:09

I am using Musescore on a laptop, so my screen is not as large as that of a desktop. I set up a score for 9 instruments and the last two do not fit in the window, as the height of the screen is too small. I do not see a mechanism for scrolling on the page. Page up and Page down don't work and there is no scroll bar. Also the arrow keys don't provide scrolling. How do I reach the bottom staves to enter notes there?
My OS is Windows XP.


In reply to by newsome

Should be F12 by default to display the navigator as far as I know, although normally the navigator is already displayed.

I should note, however,that occasionally when opening a new document or displaying the navigator after having closed it, it shows up empty - the document has actually been scrolled all the way off the screen. Haven't figured out how to reproduce that yet, but I've seen it a few times in 1.0.

But anyhow, while the navigator is nice and sometimes useful, I would prefer to also have keyboard control. It's nice that page up/down work, although they always reset the window to show the top of page even if I'm working on staves at the bottom of the page (I'm talking about a large scores where each page is a single system that has too many instruments to be seen at once). But I'd still love to have keys to scroll vertically through the current page.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Good to know. I don't use a mouse, though; I use a laptop with a touch pad. Once upon a time, it had a "scroll zone" that I suspect might function like a wheel here, but that stopped working some time ago. Guess I should look into how to get that working again*. But still, keyboard control is pretty important to me. Sometimes there's just no substitute for being to move elements - or a window view - by just a pixel or two at a time.

*EDIT: I reinstalled the driver and now scrolling works - thanks for the info! Definitely makes working with larger scroes a lot easier. But it seems to be shift-"wheel" that scrolls horizontally. Ctrl-wheel zooms, which is very nice too.

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