Using my midi keyboard

• Jan 7, 2016 - 20:41

I have a question, I'm wanting to use my keyboard to write music.

But I'm running into a problem, I have my preferences and everything working but the note input seems off.

I'm trying to play a chord, dotted half-note so I hit 6 + . + N , for half note plus dot then input.

But it won't add my notes when I play until I use the mouse to manually add a note. Then when I play the chord it will add the three notes ontop of the note I manually added.

What am I doing wrong?


Is there a way for me to just play what I want in time and muse score record what I'm doing?

second edit:

I think I got it, but whenever the halfnote chords crosses a bar it only one of the notes ties itself.

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You might want to re-read the section on note input. You have to *first* enter note input mode before selecting durations. Not sure if that has anything to do with whatever else is going on that causes your first note to note "take", but maybe that's what you figured out?

Anyhow, for tied chords, see the Handbook under "Tie" for how to enter these. Basically, enter both chords first, then leave note entry mode, select the first chord, and add the tie. The next release will simplify this a little by allowing to enter the tie immedaitely after entering the first chord.

There is no real-time input processing in MuseScore. A sequencer would be able to record your playing in real time, and you could import the resulting file, but I think you'll be very disappointed at the results. Having to guess at the intended rhythms and distribution of notes among voices and staves rarely yields anything resmebling readable music, so you may end up spending more time editing than had you simply entered the music directly in the first place.

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