Import .pdf

• Jan 25, 2016 - 02:48

I've been using Musescore for several weeks, and evrything works fine EXCEPT:

When I upload a .pdf file to be imported, it almost never works. In the past couple of weeks, I've uploaded 10 different files, and only 2 of them imported successfully. The others all gave the answer "unsuccessful". The files I've sent are mostly very clear, one-page, music files, like the one attached.

What am I doing wrong?

Bob Eccles

Attachment Size
BB.pdf 56.43 KB


The PDF import feature is labelled experimental for a good reason.
However the attached file is converted "successfully" for me. Meaning all the notes are in (even more notes...) and it needs a bit of cleaning but you might have actually gain some time compared to entering it from scratch (which is not always the case with this workflow).

I imported PDF score into MuseScore using the Audiveris open source trial and I am pleased with the result. Minor editing was required as follows:
1. Metronome mark at top of page changed. I deleted and re-input correct marking.
2. Note with accidental tied across bar line was incorrectly interpreted as slur and linked note to incorrect note. After deleting unwanted slur, I input accidental to note in second measure, input desired tie symbol, and the problem was corrected. Musescore correctly omitted the unwanted accidental from second note across the tie.
3. Acciaccatura with accidental (#) was incorrectly interpreted as key signature change with sharp added to key signature. I corrected key signature, but I didn't yet succeed in re-inputting the acciaccatura.
4. In one measure, beamed quavers were interpeted as semiquavers. After correcting the note values my beam properties seemed not to work. Fortunately there was a similar measure in the score that was correctly converted so I deleted the single measure with the problem and replaced it with copied similar measure.
5. In one measure the PDF file I converted had an unconventional unnecessary accidental, which seemed to confuse the converter. The result was an unwanted 2-note chord instead of the single note required. When I simply deleted the extra note it was replaced by an unwanted rest. To solve, I deleted the entire measure and re-typed it.
I am very pleased. With less than 5 minutes of editing, I now have a beautiful score that I can adjust to my needs. :-)
(Acciaccatura still needs to be added, but I will do that at my next session!!)

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