2.0 Interface

• Feb 28, 2011 - 20:23

Is the black interface just to remind people it's a test version?

I prefer the layout of 1.0 - will it be similar to that?


I believe the black is the default theme for version 2.0. In the Options there's a place where you can change the theme and set it back to the standard gray one if you like.

In reply to by chen lung

Maybe it's a Mac versus PC thing, but when I set the interface to light, it looks virtually exactly like 1.0 in color. I set mine to light months ago, and that setting has stuck, so I had forgotten what the dark interface looked like. I tried switching back just now, and agree, it doesn't work very well. Lots of labels are unreadable.

Also, I was going to say that the various icons and labels actually looked *bigger* in the nightly builds than in 1.0, but as soon as I started playing with the color scheme just now, everything got smaller too. Not smaller than 1.0, but smaller than just before I was messing with it. The list in the Palettes window on the left had been stretching all the way almost all the way to the bottom of the screen, with each individual item placed in a button with plenty of room to spare. When I changed to dark scheme, the buttons in the Palettes window shrank to the point where the labels barely fit within them any more, and the listing only went down about half the screen.. I resorted to deliberately crashing MuseScore to make sure that those changes would not be made permanent, as I was rather liking the look of the nightly builds before I started messing around with it.

In case someone want to see, I am attaching three screen shots. "uigood" shows how things have been looking for me since I chsnged to "light" scheme quite a while ago. "uidark" shows what happens when I changed "dark" - really, kind of weird, I'd say. Most of it is still light. Maybe the opposite of this is what you are seeing is seeing? "uibad" is what happens when I tried changing *back* to "light" - as you can see, the Palettes window looks much different that when I started. Then I crash MuseScore (by creating a score from template, which still fails for me in 4062) and next time I start, it looks like "uigood" again.

Attachment Size
uigood.png 92.69 KB
uidark.png 101.23 KB
uibad.png 103.73 KB

We plan to have a design overhaul every X.0 release. This does not mean that the current trunk design will be the final one.

When you switch between the dark and light themes in the preferences, you also need to restart MuseScore to see the full effect. Otherwise you get screenshots like the once Marc attached above. Perhaps this the same thing chen lung was experiencing since he said that he could hardly tell the difference between the two. When you restart, the difference is quite a contrast.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I had the impression that all fonts are much smaller on a MAC. Maybe the reason is that OSX does not take into account the monitor resolution. On linux (Kubuntu) the pixel size of a font glyph depends on monitor resolution. So what i see there is different from a MAC.
I tried to overcome this by a special style sheet for mac, but its all not tuned yet. There are also bugs in the MAC style which make some text unreadable.

Yes, there is a difference - thanks David :). Maybe there should be a note about having to restart?

However, it still looks like it's at a lower opacity, whilst the palette options are scrunched together. Colour's a bit different, but I suppose it takes getting used to (think I prefer 1.0's colour).

Will the N (Note Entry) button design be similar to the stable version?

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