
• Jan 29, 2016 - 16:23

For this one measure I want 1/4 note, 1/8 rest, 1/8 note, 1/4 note and 1/4 rest.
The timing is 4/4 so that measure adds up correctly but I cannot find a way to get that 1/8 rest placed correctly. Since Musescore always completes the measure with rests as you enter notes, the 1/8 rest is not where I want it. Any help would be appreciated.


And just enter the notes and rests left to right, just as you would with pencil and paper. So, the enter your measure, you would type the following once in note input mode

5 to select quarter duration
C to enter a "C" quarter note
4 to select eighth duration
0 to enter an eighth rest
D to enter a "D" eighth note
5 to select quarter duration
E to enter an "E" quarter note
0 to an enter a quarter rest

Welcome aboard...
Also, a neat thing to notice is that as you enter the numbers for note durations, their repspective icons in the toolbar get highlighted... so, it's easy to keep track of the current note value.


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