Copying Chord Names

• Mar 5, 2011 - 02:05


Using V. 1.0, I can't seem to copy chord names shown above one system to another system in a score. Unlike measure selection, Shift-click doesn't select the line of chord names but I can select them one-by-one using Ctrl-click on each. Then, Ctrl-C to copy. However, selecting a note on the next system and using Ctrl-V to paste does nothing.

Is there a way to accomplish this?




If so, I don't know it. But you can copy the whole measure, notes and all, then delete the notes, which has the same effect, assuming the staff you wanted to copy to was empty to begin with. If not, then you could always make a temporary copy of the old notes, then use technique I just described, then copy the original notes back. This does work, although it's a bit indirect.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Thanks for your reply and because I can only select and copy chords one at a time, it was faster to simply type them in given the ease of chord entry, although it's error-prone.

The problem is that I can't click/Shift-click on the first and last chords in a system to select all chords in that system. Any chance future versions will treat multiple object selection the same for all objects instead of just with notes and measures?


I understand the workaround, however it would be very useful to just copy chord symbols by selecting the first chord symbol above the staff, holding down the shift key, then selecting the last symbol in the sequence. Then ctrl+C to copy, ctrl+v to paste.

I think the technical difficulty may be the fact that in other measures--especially if there are notes there already in those measures, the chord symbols may not have notes to anchor to. Because the chords were originally anchored to a specific not in a measure via ctrl+k, if that note is not there (e.g. rest) or is a different tupple, then muse score will not know where to place the chord. In the case of a blank measure, however, it seems pretty straight forward to place the chord symbols in the same relative positions they were to begin with, allowing the software to change a whole rest, for example, to whatever combination of rests necessary to accommodate the chord placement in the measure they were copied from.

Is this the case?

I use MS for typesetting lengthy jazz exercises (lead sheet style) where the chord progressions repeat endlessly. So, this would be a nice feature for me.

In reply to by jimbojr

MuseScore does associate chord names with notes or rests on its time line. Select a chord name and drag it around, there's a dashed line to the note or rest in applies to. Perhaps this was done with the idea of giving it the ability to play the chords in lead sheet notation in the future. If you had four chord names on a measure of quarter notes, how would those get copied to a measure containing a whole note or rest?

-- J.S.

In reply to by jimbojr

It's actually not quite as bad as you might think - Musescore doens't attach chords to *notes* or *rests* but rather to *time positions*. So there doesn't have to be anything to anchor to in the measures you are pasting to. None of which is to say that a direct way to copy chords wouldn't be useful, but the workaround really does work pretty well.

At least, that's how it is in 1.0. 2.0 seems to delete chords when you delete notes. I haven't played around enough to figure out if there is some other way to delete notes while leaving the chords intact.

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