• Feb 3, 2016 - 09:10

Is there a way to copy measures from other Musescore scores? Can you do it in the middle of a score? If I post too much forum posts, sorry about that. I am new at MuseScore. Can you put more than 2 augmentation dots on a note at once? An expert, please answer all these questions I have for all experts at Musescore. That would be great. Thanks.


>> Is there a way to copy measures from other Musescore scores?

Well the only way I know how to copy "measures" is to use the Album feature, although it is a little bit of a hack and is a bit roundabout, so is only worth it for copying long sections that have elements like time signatures changes that wouldn't be copied via a simple copy & paste... Although, If you just want to copy "notes" between scores, then just copy & paste.

>> Can you do it in the middle of a score?

Not with the Album feature. You can insert how ever many blank measures you need, manually copy the time signature changes, then copy & paste notes there. But things like 1st & 2nd endings will need to be manually copied.

>> Can you put more than 2 augmentation dots on a note at once?

I don't think so. Maybe someone else knows...I think there might be a feature request you can search for???

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

- copy measures: of course this does work from one score to another. just have both open in MuseScore, select a section in one score, copy (or cut) there, select starting point in other score, paste.

- augmentation dots: the infra structure for 3 augmentations dots is there in the source code, but there is no UI for it, so no, currently you can't use them

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

OK, but that's aun unusual special case - most measures don't have those things. Most people asking about copying measures will be happy with copy and paste, so it makes sense to suggest that first. Then if it later turns out we find out they happen to have one of those special cases where copy/paste is insufficient, we can suggest other alternatives. Often simply manually reproducing the time or key signature change in the destination is more appropriate than using the album feature for this purpose anyhow.

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