I don't see the Drums option in Palettes! Ver.2.0.2 Windows 7

• Feb 7, 2016 - 11:50
S5 - Suggestion


I have installed Ver. 2.0.2 (latest) for a Windows 7 OS.

I also saw your training video 'Part 9 Drum Parts' on YouTube how to create

a music brochure for a drum set.

Between Grace Notes and Clefs there is a Drums option.

No matter how I searched in the program to open this option,

couldn't finally managed. Somehow this option does not show up.

I tried the options in View menu (mentioned in the video) but in vain.

Can you please send me instructions about how to open this option

in the program?

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,

Andreas Kasapleris

Email : andreas.kassapleris@gmail.com

GIT commit: f51dc11


Status (old) active closed

In the future, it is best to ask for help in the Support forum

Indeed, the location of the drum palette changed since version 1.0. It's now located at the bottom of the screen, and appears only when you are in note input mode on a percussion staff.