Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Flag of tablature beside stem collides with fret mark active 0 9 years
Screen reader should say if a checkbox is checked or not active 0 9 years
Instrument change uses sound of original entry for all, except last active 1 9 years
Option to override settings in Preferences upon import/export active 0 9 years
Hyphen in lyric doesn't appear at start of next line active 2 9 years
Multi-voice rests not centred to notehead active 2 9 years
can't manually advance voice 2-4 note edit cursor to measure not already containing that voice active 2 9 years
Pause extends arpeggio in playback active 1 9 years
[Mac] Function keys do not work active 9 9 years
F2 transpose does not respect key signatures active 1 9 years
Tie of unison note ignored on playback in 1.3 score active 1 9 years
Out of range note doesn't highlight when dragging element onto it active 3 9 years
clicking object with opaque background selects object behind it instead active 2 9 years
rehearsal, segno and coda markings collide with measure number on first measure of system active 7 9 years
New shortcuts in Edit Percusión active 3 9 years
[Trunk] Sound briefly heard from last score after reopening active 2 9 years
Playback issues / High CPU usage when using large soundfont (sf2) on laptop active 2 9 years
Request "Play notes while editing" command be added to toolbar active 4 9 years
Objects incorrectly positioned, or missing after changing scaling of score with empty staves hidden and empty systems present active 2 9 years
Centre lyric to notehead in stanza active 0 9 years
Put split and join measure on context menu active 4 9 years
Adjust system-crossing melisma's vertical position active 6 9 years
Text over multi-measure rest doesn't appear until clicking elsewhere active 6 9 years
Every inserted staff appears as Staff 1 active 1 9 years
Shortening bar kills note active 0 9 years