Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Corruptions in (linked) parts get detected, but only reported in the debug output, not in a dialog box like for corrupt scores PR created 6 1 year
MusicXML - System and page breaks disappear active 4.0 1 1 year
Does not play hidden staffs (intentionally hidden via instruments) when playing the whole score GitHub issue 4.x-dev 3 1 year
Be able to change the size of windows inside the application active 4.0 1 1 year
no UI option to reset shouldAskSaveLocationType, thus unable to save locally GitHub issue 4.0 7 1 year
Some glissandi get "stuck" holding the original note indefinitely active 4.0 1 1 year
Can't add to Tempo palette from Master Palette active 4.0 6 1 year
MSCZ_SAVING File name active 4.0 2 1 year
viewing parts active 4.0 1 1 year
Allow user to create internal links in score (for table of contents etc.) active 3.6 9 1 year
Continuous view looks messy and font is not consistent. active 3.6 7 1 year
Separator Line label in note input bar looks bad active 4.0 1 1 year
Position of loop playback markers don't get updated active 4.0 3 1 year
Crazy Playback issue Musescore 4 active 4.0 0 1 year
Adding ties to my cello part causes it to crash. active 4.0 2 1 year
Changing the duration of the initial whole rest in a measure may jump the current position. active 4.0 1 1 year
Issue changing the clef of the first bar GitHub issue 4.0 8 1 year
Add a command to remove scores from Home->Scores view. active 4.0 0 1 year
Loud bassoon note sustains, overwriting next note active 4.0 2 1 year
Alto saxophone MuseSounds holding some notes for longer than written active 4.0 1 1 year
Missing notes/parts after exporting as .mp3 file (MuseScore4 + MuseSounds) active 4.0 0 1 year
Problem with lines and chords active 4.0 1 1 year
Drum names and sounds not correct, The different names (bass drum, snare, hi hat) are matched to the wrong sounds (bass drum is snare noise, and hi hat is bass) active 3.6 1 1 year
Every time I use the Musesounds, it crashes. needs info 4.0 1 1 year
The measure settings reset themselves after I change them. active 4.0 1 1 year