
Issue Accidental collides with ledger line
Issue Accidental collides with ledger line
Issue Number brackets in .ove files cannot be rendered promptly when playback
Issue Copyright text appears on every page
Issue Number brackets in .ove files cannot be rendered promptly when playback
Issue TAB: vertical alignment of hooks in Emmentaler for "common" type
Issue TAB: vertical alignment of hooks in Emmentaler for "common" type
Issue No way of controlling gateTime at present in nightlies
Issue MusicXML export does not preserve altered note tuning
Issue Crescendo and decrescendo moves when one side is dragged to the other
Issue Some notes are not played when using JackMidi
Issue Fretboard diagrams are not exported to MusicXML
Issue Import of Capella 2.X files
Issue Display essentials of navigator
Issue Pedal markings under grand staff can only be attached to notes in staff attached to
Issue Staff style is not propagating from full score to parts and cannot be created in Staff Styles dialogue
Issue Staff style is not propagating from full score to parts and cannot be created in Staff Styles dialogue
Issue Bar numbers not updated after changing instrument order and scaling
Issue Find go to absolute bar, not real measure number.
Issue Difference in controls between Mixer and Synth/Master Effects
Issue Difference in controls between Mixer and Synth/Master Effects
Issue MuseScore forums: close a thread after three month
Issue MuseScore forums: close a thread after three month
Issue [MusicXML] support capo element
Issue [MusicXML] support capo element
Issue [Mac] Page layout incorrect when printing via CMD-P (does not match Page Settings)
Issue [Mac] Page layout incorrect when printing via CMD-P (does not match Page Settings)
Issue "Add Score" in the Album Manager should allow to load all files supported by MuseScore
Issue "Add Score" in the Album Manager should allow to load all files supported by MuseScore
Issue import capella score (.capx) crashes newest version of musescore