
Issue Double clicking on a pallet item should not add two identical elements
Issue Downloading MuseScore_General_HQ extension fails
Issue Deleting all text in edit mode breaks Undo
Issue Crash on Undo after adding measures with timeline open
Issue Allow [Q] and [W] to work on a range selection
Issue 3.6 regression -- instruments window staves column doesn't show changed part names
Issue Page settings in parts are initialized incorrectly in dialog if using pre-3.5.2 defaults
Issue Banjo Fifth String
Issue Staff spacer down does not work on last system of page
Issue Disable auto-size of vertical frame when dragging the height handle
Issue Crash when changing time signature in front of a corrupted measure
Issue Deleting a breath/caesura selects the wrong note
Issue Empty rehearsal mark not deleted after entering a line break.
Issue Make applying tremolo a toggle operation
Issue Segmentation Fault when opening a file with a missing section break element
Issue Invisible breath shouldn't impact layout
Issue Dynamics text is tiny in Petaluma font
Issue Petaluma wings on End-Repeat barline misplaced
Issue C-Major/a-minor and atonal key signatures cause other elements, like dynamics, to move up
Issue [MusicXML import] incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
Issue Banjo Fifth String
Issue Glissando line thickness control
Issue [MusicXML import] incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
Issue Banjo Fifth String
Issue Incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import
Issue Segmentation Fault when opening a file with a missing section break element
Issue Disable auto-size of vertical frame when dragging the height handle
Issue Style settings in score migrate to part after save / reload
Issue Invisible breath shouldn't impact layout
Issue Mixer panel not shown correct when opened