
Issue Crash when trying to attach an image to key signature
Issue Activating the Multimeasure rests prevents the "SmoothPan" function from working.
Issue Corruption/crash after repeating a 256th note or smaller
Issue Crash when trying to attach an image to key signature
Issue Change playback cursor
Issue "Orchestral" and "Brass Ensemble" missing Euphonium and baritone-horns
Issue Measure number appears after edit in first measure after section break with intervening frame
Issue Slurs forced above staff when extending over more than one measure
Issue Scrolling undone by first mouse-click in single-page view with documents side-by-side or stacked
Issue Double clicking on a pallet item should not add two identical elements
Issue Downloading MuseScore_General_HQ extension fails
Issue Deleting all text in edit mode breaks Undo
Issue Crash on Undo after adding measures with timeline open
Issue Allow [Q] and [W] to work on a range selection
Issue 3.6 regression -- instruments window staves column doesn't show changed part names
Issue Page settings in parts are initialized incorrectly in dialog if using pre-3.5.2 defaults
Issue Banjo Fifth String
Issue Staff spacer down does not work on last system of page
Issue Disable auto-size of vertical frame when dragging the height handle
Issue Crash when changing time signature in front of a corrupted measure
Issue Deleting a breath/caesura selects the wrong note
Issue Empty rehearsal mark not deleted after entering a line break.
Issue Make applying tremolo a toggle operation
Issue Segmentation Fault when opening a file with a missing section break element
Issue Invisible breath shouldn't impact layout
Issue Dynamics text is tiny in Petaluma font
Issue Petaluma wings on End-Repeat barline misplaced
Issue C-Major/a-minor and atonal key signatures cause other elements, like dynamics, to move up
Issue [MusicXML import] incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
Issue Banjo Fifth String