
Issue Glissando line thickness control
Issue [MusicXML import] incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
Issue Banjo Fifth String
Issue Incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import
Issue Segmentation Fault when opening a file with a missing section break element
Issue Disable auto-size of vertical frame when dragging the height handle
Issue Style settings in score migrate to part after save / reload
Issue Invisible breath shouldn't impact layout
Issue Mixer panel not shown correct when opened
Issue Make applying tremolo a toggle operation
Issue Empty rehearsal mark not deleted after entering a line break.
Issue Multimeasure rest range numbers collide with other elements
Issue Very strange and unreadable chord font when opening a jazz score
Issue Close icon missing on MIDI import panel
Issue There is a gap between the end of a staff (system) and the last barline (before a break), in case of a clef change to the next bar in a hidden instrument and show courtesy clef is on.
Issue Lines at start of time signature range deleted on change of previous time signature
Issue Staff spacer down does not work on last system of page
Issue Deleting a breath/caesura selects the wrong note
Issue In edit mode, the middle mouse button should always pan, even when there is an item under the cursor
Issue Broken swapping notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right
Issue Crash when changing time signature in front of a corrupted measure
Issue Dynamics text is tiny in Petaluma font
Issue Petaluma wings on End-Repeat barline misplaced
Issue [Accessibility] - Urgent regression - Musescore 3.6.1 score update dialog completely not accessible
Issue Broken swapping notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right
Issue F10 should give focus to mixer
Issue Glissando Reverts between closing and reopening file
Issue Setting lyrics style changes glissando text
Issue "Would you like to try our improved style?" window opens with the last tab.
Issue Two-note tremolos display incorrectly when the stave has custom scale