
Issue Linked staves not linking after copy/paste into linked tablature staff
Issue Hide when empty: Instrument does not work (acts same as Auto)
Issue dynamics above's y-offset match harpins above y-offset so they align
Issue Manually adjusted dynamics too low on import from 2.x without reset
Issue Auto-place doesn't ignore horizontal invisible elements
Issue System text ignored during autoplace when top staff hidden
Issue cant play from selection when going to part view
Issue Instrument change added via double-click while in continuous view does not appear in score
Issue Crash when switching to continuous view on a particular score
Issue Changing to unsused voice in re-pitch mode causes crash
Issue Invisible pedal marks visible on
Issue Removing check from line visible has no effect
Issue Continuation line overlaps continuation text
Issue Segno symbol collides with measure number text 2.X->3.0
Issue There is no option to change continuation text for (de)crescendo lines
Issue Edited tie hard to select, resets to default on next layout
Issue CJK characters are not appearing at all
Issue Crash adding articulation to multiple notes
Issue Error opening file created in 2.3.2
Issue Autoplace for pedal results in lines not aligning within system
Issue Adding bracket in a system doesn't expand in other systems
Issue Add "Delete Selected Measures" command to context menu
Issue Request to rename "Timewise delete" command
Issue Restore "Delete selected measures" options to menus
Issue Cannot cancel MP3 export
Issue Segfault when selecting multi-measure rest and applying section break
Issue Entering note in pickup measure displays before clef
Issue Right-click menu on palette items seems dead.
Issue Selection extends beyond intended tuplet element
Issue Inspector: need to embolden section headings