
Issue Error with loop playback in parts with MuseScore 3
Issue Screenreader does not read name of score on tab change
Issue Shortcut to change tabs *right to left* needed, like Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Issue Tool tips in the palettes of both workspaces and the master palettes are not translated
Issue Time Signature disappears
Issue Tool tips in the palettes of both workspaces and the master palettes are not translated
Issue Crash on load of score with staff type change on measure 1
Issue Cross-Measure Beam Custom Position Not Restored
Issue Insert measures in mmrest mode leads to corruption/crash
Issue Accessibility navigation skips frames
Issue Scrolling among staves with keyboard shortcut
Issue Screenreader fails to read accidentals in key signatures and notes without explicit accidental
Issue Optimize screenreader info information during score navigation
Issue Screenreader should read staff name in addition to number
Issue I cannot use tempo marking in NVDA
Issue Accessibility: don't read staff text and other extra info for each note of chord
Issue No screenreader feedback on palette search
Issue No screenreader feedback on palette search
Issue Incorrect segment type for fermata
Issue Tooltip / screenreader feedback for "space" on Special Characters palette is noteLongaSquareDown
Issue [Tablature] Note value repeat section: setting "Never" broken
Issue UNDO does not restore a deleted frame
Issue Hanging on startup
Issue Tuplet numbers: Follow staff size not working
Issue double ampersand in palette names
Issue Line drawing does not work when 90 degree T hooks are combined with another hook.
Issue Crash on next-element when editing fingering with user text style
Issue Add symbols to barlines
Issue Make volta mouse drops apply only to first staff by default, unless user holds control to drop to a specific staff
Issue Incorrect drop anchor displayed while dragging a Volta