
Issue Staff texts after the first are ignored in multimeasure rests
Issue Mismatch between "To Coda" and "Fine" when the first is deleted before enable mmrests
Issue Allow user to set mode along with key signature
Issue -R option deletes user preferences
Issue Not enough space between Time signature and clef change
Issue Crash on next-element when editing fingering with user text style
Issue Adding or dragging spacers causes a full re-layout
Issue Mute voice produces note that doesn't stop when overlap present
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Measure numbering not correct
Issue [MusicXML export] missing print new-system after section break
Issue [Tablature] Note value repeat section: "At new system" renders the same as "At new measure"
Issue Copy-paste breaths & pauses causes bad layout of the first note/rest in following measures
Issue If note is tied to preceding grace note of equal pitch, only the grace note is played back
Issue Hairpin with dynamics at the end is too short
Issue Ottava begin and continue text cannot be saved as independent style settings
Issue "Save online" fails in Windows, when building with Qt 5.12.4
Issue Slash style for staff type change: Inspector label and function are not the same
Issue Expose tie information read-only to QML plugins
Issue clef and key are erroneously shown further (in lead sheet style), althoug I didn't check 'create clef/key on every staff'
Issue MusicXML import - attempting to fix badly read triplets causes crash
Issue Crash on open MusicXML file lacking time signature
Issue [MusicXML export] non-arpeggiate creates invalid XML export
Issue [Musicxml Export] - endText of a textline doesn't export
Issue Crash when loading file with orphan Segment tags
Issue changing Part Properties changes violin patch in the mixer
Issue Make Tremolo string translatable and plural
Issue Note symbols are truncated in Tab Preview
Issue Crash in a score with tremolo in invisible staff in multi-measure rest
Issue fluid synth's sample pitchadj signed char value incorrectly read on ARM cpus, causing incorrectly-pitched synthesis
Issue If detach inspector palette after factory reset before inspector tour was initiated, then stuck in infinite loop