
Issue Percent sign cannot be entered into text
Issue Figured Bass Continuation Lines Disappearing
Issue Percent sign cannot be entered into text
Issue Figured Bass Continuation Lines Disappearing
Issue Scoreview jumps back to start of score during note input on (auto)save
Issue Scoreview jumps back to start of score during note input on (auto)save
Issue Crash when adding glissandos between notes and rests/to a single note
Issue Automatic updates on Linux
Issue Appimage missing --appimage-extract argument
Issue Palette tree should be a single tabbable object
Issue Selecting a measure then applying grace notes causes crash
Issue Slurs to grace notes disappear after inserting measures
Issue Measure numbers restart from 1 after section break even if the corresponding property got disabled
Issue Fermata "play" property does not work
Issue Crash by undoing/redoing in main score a copy-paste made in the parts
Issue Can't use CMD+SHIFT+Drag to copy on Mac
Issue Change of slur direction does not take effect until the next relayout
Issue Campania (RNA font) does not render correctly on some macOS systems
Issue Can't use CMD+SHIFT+Drag to copy on Mac
Issue Inspector: segment "Leading Space" input field topped at 10sp
Issue Crash by undoing/redoing in main score a copy-paste made in the parts
Issue Campania (RNA font) does not render correctly on some macOS systems
Issue Tuples created by dialogue don't default to the Preference Style Tuples & Revert after re-open
Issue Deleting a StaffTypeChange causes a crash in macOS
Issue Changing time signature on glissando results in crash
Issue [MusicXML] improve instrument change handling
Issue Change of slur direction does not take effect until the next relayout
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Missing spanners caused by spanner stop not in the first track
Issue Support RNA without root
Issue Characters needing HTML escaping cannot be entered into chord symbols or RNA