
Issue Bad slur shape on certain combination of notes
Issue Slur positioning bad in tight spacing
Issue Slur too high with accidental
Issue Beta Update Save Online Hangs When Uploading Custom Audio
Issue Moving soundfont in soundfont selector creates duplicate list entries
Issue Piano Roll Editor maxes out CPU and doesn't stop
Issue Measures with tremolo get wider and wider with each edit
Issue Manual adjustment to system divider (including making invisible) lost on save
Issue Lines placed above the top staff when single note selected.
Issue Updating translations changes workspace from Advanced to Basic
Issue System text from 2.3.2 imported as staff text (preventing to hide otherwise empty staff)
Issue Copy paste tuplet across barlines causes corruption
Issue Editing a note and revert to two staves after deleting one leads to a crash
Issue First system on a page may not fit to the page
Issue Part updated incorrectly after insert note in score
Issue Newline dropped in texts
Issue Continuous View: Volta changes Tempo of Playback
Issue Radius for frame doesn't scale with size; more rounded than in 2.x
Issue [MacOSX] Crashes randomly when go to do any menu item
Issue [MacOSX] Crashes randomly when go to do any menu item
Issue Newline dropped in texts
Issue UI font is changing without notice
Issue Edited tie hard to select, resets to default on next layout
Issue All ottavas in the palettes are 8va
Issue Slurs not correctly continuing over multiple system breaks
Issue Measure Numbers gone wild
Issue Page settings preview broken in score imported from version 2.3.2
Issue MuseScore 3 doesn't work with azerty keyboard
Issue Can no longer disable "size changes with spatium" in text styles
Issue Tenor and bass drum definitions missing notehead info