
Issue Removing check from line visible has no effect
Issue Mixer Volume Slider glitch
Issue Time wise delete causes corruption in measures with measure rest
Issue Image capture: artefacts when selecting tablature
Issue [Windows] underline too close to (lyrics) letters
Issue Hairpin: vertical offset has changed dramatically, horizontal offset less so
Issue Slides: user positions set in 2.x are lost
Issue "Save online" doesn't work
Issue Issue in step-time mode
Issue Dotted tuplet has incorrect duration after save/reload
Issue Preferences/Shortcuts not shown (and so not changable)
Issue Tremolo positioned incorrectly for small chords
Issue "Hide empty staves" hides non-empty staves when first measure is empty
Issue Crescendos display under single note when they end at a system break, crash on edit
Issue Fingering is shown in tablature even when "Show fingering" is OFF
Issue Systems can overlap (by same amount that staves *don't*)
Issue Extra initial clef in scores imported from 2.x
Issue Chord symbols entered on pages >1 do not appear while typing
Issue Invisible system text should not break multi-measure rests.
Issue Images can't be add to measures or remains sticked in frames
Issue Chord symbols entered into score not parsed in parts
Issue Edits to chord symbols not linked
Issue Chord symbol spacing issues
Issue Text lines: manually-adjusted "Vertical offset" has been lost
Issue Removing check from line visible has no effect
Issue Crash by undoing the removal failure of the repeats palette symbols separating multimeasure rests
Issue Fingering palette: correction
Issue Format/Style... System tab Brace settings have no units
Issue Persistent bug when changing Instrument names - crashes and wipes savedfile
Issue Crash saving score with system divider selected