
Issue Copy paste issue with lyrics and TAB
Issue Glissando line gets squashed horizontally
Issue Winged repeats at bottom of barline span if last staff invisible
Issue Crash when pasting measures if number > to the last mm rest
Issue Score and System destructors conflict with each other
Issue Slurs and Ties: Autoplace minimum distance has no effect
Issue Parts of score fall off page or are shown twice after adjusting stretch
Issue Style not passed to trill lines
Issue Crash on undoing of cutting a multiline text
Issue Looking at staff properties changes clef of instruments with multiple staves
Issue Funny notes after Implode and switching to Written Pitch
Issue Implode fails when first measure is empty
Issue Implode fails if there are rests in voice 1 of destination staff
Issue Crash opening score that works in version 2
Issue Cut text within staff text hangs program; copy/paste doesn't work
Issue misspellings in CMakeLists.txt
Issue Update chord symbol style defaults
Issue Chord symbols overlap barlines
Issue MusicXML import causes corruption, attempts to fix causes crash
Issue Setting to a tempo text to be not bold is not saved
Issue Numbers only option has no effect on ottava display
Issue Can't copy nested tuplets to last beat of measure
Issue missing entry "Swing" in Palette "text"
Issue New shortcut to add tied notes to a previously tied chord
Issue Provide button to hide detail area in mixer
Issue Concert pitch is on by default for template Classical Orchestra
Issue Orchestral template names need to be clearer
Issue First note of measure placed way too close to system header, if note is above staff
Issue Option for editing abbreviated staff names in instrument changes
Issue Chord symbols transposed incorrectly between concert score & transposed parts