Marc Sabatella

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Chopin's beaming is impossible in Musescore? Caters 4 4 years ago
Forum topic iPad app cannot open file from Dropbox Caokhoa 9 4 years ago
Forum topic problem entering text - title box at top of score Carl Sandy Stehling 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Each part in its proper key hopkins9858 8 4 years ago
Issue Palette Names as Search Results in Palette Search Teemu Kielinen 8 4 years ago
Forum topic Instrument Patch Search classicalgod 4 4 years ago
Issue 3.3.4: "Don't play trill" silences note -- very bad new bug. [DELETED] 1831606 14 4 years ago
Forum topic Master Pallette david-big-cat1 6 4 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 3 missing topmenu Joep L. Blom 20 4 years ago
Forum topic Drum input palette bobjp 14 4 years ago
Forum topic Refund maria_cruz001 1 4 years ago
Issue Problems with start and end repeat [DELETED] 30010183 1 4 years ago
Forum topic sending Musescore files by email ghetti 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Resources for Brushing Up on Music Theory Starkman 4 4 years ago
Forum topic setting and adjusting measures per staff Carl Sandy Stehling 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Time Signature/Tuplet Error zbowz0309 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Create automatic placement for custom articulation AvenueQ 4 4 years ago
Forum topic Font Management Problems with Chord Symbols in Fretboard Diagrams manonash 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Am I dumb or is my program bugged Maxthemusicnerd 2 4 years ago
Issue Ctrl+R does not reset leading space MichLeon 2 4 years ago
Issue Clef show courtesy off randomly shows courtesy clefs Ethan Cannoy 3 4 years ago
Issue Name on Part Tab is not updated sccy 3 4 years ago
Issue Missing barline with a horizontal frame followed by start repeat giorgiobar89 6 4 years ago
Issue Staff spacer down doesn't work at page bottom RrOoSsSsOo 19 4 years ago
Issue Text attached to mmrest preceded by another mmrest ending with custom barlines loses custom position on reload Andrew_McGee 16 4 years ago