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Thu, 8 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 16:45 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised geetar
Clarified layout.
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 (diff) (hist) 16:24 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 16:22 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 16:18 Handbook Breaks and spacersrevised geetar
Rearranged text and added missing commands.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:22 Landings page MuseScore for Pianorevised claravallcoromina
 (diff) (hist) 07:05 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
 (diff) (hist) 07:01 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
 (diff) (hist) 06:22 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
 (diff) (hist) 06:03 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
add (external?) link
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 (diff) (hist) 06:00 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
Copy of the revision from November 6, 2018 - 8:08am.
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 (diff) (hist) 05:59 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
Wed, 7 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 09:58 Handbook Lyricsrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 09:58 Handbook 3 Lyricsnew geetar
Tue, 6 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 15:26 Handbook Lyricsrevised geetar
Short section on editing.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:29 Handbook Lyricsrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 11:27 Handbook Lyricsrevised geetar
Clarified lyrics entry with two subheadings.
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 (diff) (hist) 07:08 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
 (diff) (hist) 07:08 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Shoichi
If acceptable
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 (diff) (hist) 04:30 How to How and where to ask for supportmoved Jojo-Schmitz
Wrongs section
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 (diff) (hist) 00:55 How to How and where to ask for supportnew Logam?
Mon, 5 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 20:26 Book Compile instructions (Windows - MinGW) - Gitrevised Jojo-Schmitz
Sun, 4 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 19:13 Handbook Play moderevised neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 19:05 Handbook 3 Mixerupdated neGjodsbol
Sat, 3 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 18:46 Page Developmentrevised neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 17:42 Handbook 3 Early music featuresupdated pfri
 (diff) (hist) 16:58 Page Developmentrevised neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 15:10 Page Developmentrevised jeetee
Added friendly commit feed link next to the old RSS link
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 (diff) (hist) 12:36 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:04 Book How to write a good bug report: step-by-step instructionsrevised TheOtherJThistle
Update bug reporting instructions to match latest issue tracker update, using
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 (diff) (hist) 11:32 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 11:03 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 11:02 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 10:50 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 10:48 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
OK. Thx for explaining.
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Fri, 2 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 12:55 Handbook Text editingrevised 강민지
 (diff) (hist) 12:55 Handbook 3 Text editingnew 강민지
 (diff) (hist) 11:56 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
No, files starting with a dot are not hidden by default on Windows, they are because the hidden attribute is set. This attribute in turn is set on those files by MuseScore, explicitly, and only on Windows (such an attribute doesn't exist on Linux or Mac). So yes, __MuseScore backup files__ on Windows are hidden by default, but not because these start with a dot.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:34 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
Backup files are hidden on Windows by default as well: but the current wording seems to imply the opposite! ;). I've reverted just the one paragraph to make this clear. Hope this is OK.
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 (diff) (hist) 10:57 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:29 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:27 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:20 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 10:16 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 10:13 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised geetar
Formatting, wording etc.
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Thu, 1 November 2018
 (diff) (hist) 14:47 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:46 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:45 How to How to recover a backup copy of a scorerevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:54 Book Compile instructions (Windows - MinGW) - Gitrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:15 Handbook Create a new scorerevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 10:15 Handbook 3 Create a new scorenew geetar