Categoria Titolo Autore Commenti Aggiornato
Issue "Numbers only" for octaves should be editable in Style->Text. 255 2 9 anni fa
Issue text style dialog does not change octave markings font size 255 0 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Octave text size doesn't change 255 8 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Opening score from the OS creates two entries for the same score in the recent scores list 255 14 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum "CTRL+Z" / "Undo" to get a time signature back makes KEY signature ineffective 255 4 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Line is bugged when changing the layout; it should hook to notes 255 1 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum [FORUM] Subscriptions list 255 13 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Accessing dynamic markings 255 1 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Copy paste slurs and pedals 255 4 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Pedal lines should end on the first beat of the next measure 255 20 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Panel plugin doesn't work in 2.0 beta 255 6 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum [playback] Different dynamics for different piano staves should be respected 255 4 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum [playback] Secondary voices: lower velocity/dynamics by default 255 7 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum [playback] Half pedal instead of 100% down; pedal MIDI value; CC 64 255 10 9 anni fa
Argomento del forum Errore home page 255 1 12 anni fa
Argomento del forum "Which hand to use" symbol (not verbose, the actual symbol) 255 10 12 anni fa
Argomento del forum Automatic accents basing on meter 255 2 12 anni fa