Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version 降序排列 Replies Last updated
Cursor position after chord on wrong side of note closed 2 14年
Reducing actual duration corrupts tuplets closed 7 9年
Saving a piano score as a MIDI file creates two identical tracks. closed 3 11年
Playback head wipes score melisma line active 4 10年
[MusicXML] support the new TPC1/TPC2 construct closed 2 9年
separate above/below settings for staff/system text styles closed 17 5年
Problems with capella files closed 28 5年
Pasting nested tuplet onto linked staff causes crash closed 16 9年
Crash when adding, changing and removing staves with slurred grace notes closed 5 9年
Option to freeze the music active 6 4年
[1.0] Multiple grace notes do not copy correctly closed 6 12年
Title entered after score creation not placed correctly closed 10 5年
Score is corrupt if glissando had been pasted closed 5 10年
Crash on print of file with copyright symbol closed 14 5年
Tuba Bb written in C by design 7 8年
MusicXML export of slur graphical spanning closed 10 5年
[trunk r.3708] Text styles backward compatibility issue (w/ patch) closed 1 13年
Align object to a grid or ability to align object relative to other GitHub issue 16 1年
Extend selection in second voice ends too late closed 3 5年
Ghost note in TAB does not toggle closed 3 9年
Unable to import score to print closed 12 8年
Local time issue duplicate 3 4年
Repeat barlines don't work in mid measure by design 19 5年
Crash when joining in an album a score containing a custom text style active P3 - Low 4 4年
[MusicXML import] [trunk] no beam imports BEAM_AUTO closed 4 11年