Unable to import score to print

• Sep 2, 2015 - 10:09
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

I tried to import a file from my pc to print it and all I get is a blank screen and it will not import.
I really dont understand any of the categorization boxes you list above
GIT commit: b25f81d


Status (old) active needs info

Consider upgrading from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3. Even if that may not relate to the problem at hand.

What exactly is the prblem? Which file won't Import, can you attach it here?

Correction - current version is 2.0.2

But yes, in order to help, we would need you to attach the score you are having problems with. Also, in the future, it is better to ask for help in the Support forum (or, from within MuseScore, use Help / Ask for Help).

Again, please post the specific score - if it's more than one score, just pick one at random. Then tell precisely what you are doing step by step, what you epxect to see, and what happens instead. And say which OS. If we cannot reproduce with your score, then this suggests an installation problem on your system, so we'll need then get mote information on your system.

oh fantastic.
On my PC I have Musecore 1.3 and 2.0.1. 1.3 worked perfectly first time but 2.0.1 did not.
when I opened 2.0.1 and selected load file I just got a blank white screen title "musescore load score" for about 10 seconds then I went and made coffee and when I came back the files had populated so I could load.
I did purchase a book called mastering Musescore and am just working my way through it, its a lot to take in however I've just discovered the facility to "transpose" files which is so useful as there are certain keys I like to play in
Thanks for your help now sorted

Status (old) needs info closed

You may want to upgrade to 2.0.2.
I'll close this issue, as it now seems working for you, fell free to reopen and supply more details if it still doesn't work

//before you print you need to select a printer. If you need to install a printer, etc.....Find button located at the general tab, etc.
I have been using MuseScore for many years and I never had any trouble printing before. I just upgraded to MuseScore2.02 and nothing will print. This will not let me attach a musescore file, just pdfs or Word. The program will not recognize any of the many printers I have.
I would take MuseScore 2.02 and put it back to MuseScore 2.00 if I knew how.
Please help.
I cannot attach any scores.

Please use the Support forum when asking for help on using MuseScore (eg, "Help / Ask for Help" from within MuseScore). When you do this, please say what OS you are using, and says what printers are actually installed. Also describe in more detail what you are trying to do, what you expect to see happen, and what happens instead.