MuseScore Studio 4.5.1 patch now available
Hi everyone,
We're pleased to bring you a small update to MuseScore Studio: version 4.5.1.
This update brings stability improvements and bug fixes, as well as some minor feature improvements.
- Space between a dynamic and an expression (e.g. within "p dolce") now scales correctly with staff size
- Increased distance between a partial slur and partial tie on the same note
- Partial ties now extend past breath marks and notes or rests in other voices
- Fixed corruption in parts when a time signature is inserted between tied notes
- Making higher instruments visible in a part no longer duplicates jump markers (e.g. "to Coda", etc.)
- Fixed centering of dynamics between staves when horizontal space is limited
- Fixed horizontal spacing after hiding an instrument
- Fixed layout of courtesy time signatures for which autoplace is disabled
- Increased gap before barline for hairpins created by dragging from a dynamic
- "Show text" property of glissandos is now properly preserved on saving and loading
- When a large time signature is hidden, its parentheses are now also hidden (affects and continuous view)
- High Floor Tom and Low Floor Tom have exchanged position on the General MIDI Percussion staff
- Selection filter setting is now properly accounted for during a range selection
- Entering a pitch in 'input by duration' mode now turns off 'toggle rest'
- Partial ties can be copied and pasted
- Creating a hairpin by dragging from a dynamic can now be undone in one step instead of two
- Hairpins can now be removed via the dynamics popup by pressing the same hairpin button again
- MIDI notes can be staggered when entering chords in input by duration mode
- If you've opted to use the legacy percussion panel, it now appears when note input is activated
- More special characters can be typed with AltGr and Ctrl+Alt on Windows
- Fixed crash after note input on deleted staff
- Fixed crash when Shift+clicking on a page number
- Fixed crash when editing partial ties
- Fixed crash after copying a tie in the score and selecting it in the parts
- Fixed crash when adding a time signature to a score with voltas and system markings
- Fixed crash when a lyrics hyphen is entered before a repeat barline
- Fixed crash when opening the layout panel
- More reliable fix for crash when pasting into a tuplet
- Fixed an issue where a black screen occurs on startup on macOS
- Fixed playback after undoing an edit to a chord symbol
- Slur and hairpin properties are properly exposed to the plugin API
- File format icon images are now square (i.e. same width and height) on Linux
For more details, see our 4.5.1 project on GitHub.
What's next?
You can install this update via MuseHub today, or via MuseScore Studio's built-in update notification in a few day's time.
And if you haven't yet seen the 4.5 release video, check it out here on our YouTube channel.
When I click "Free Download" or "MuseScore Studio 4.5.1 | macOS" at the 4.5.1 link, the site downloads MuseHub.
Speaking of MuseHub, presently that branch of the organization is proving unhelpful and/or non responsive. So I'm wondering if anyone here can help.
I "own" purchased MuseSounds libraries that no longer show in the Mixer's sound menus. Until I find a solution I have MuseScore Studio scores that serve no purpose.
To learn more about this, after opening the following link, look for "The (in)stability of installed sound libraries" (Note: I've included system configuration in the link):
Here's a GitHub link that summarizes a situation regarding Guitars Vol 2 sound quality (system configuration included in the link):…
... and within the prior thread there's a post regarding purchased MuseSounds not showing in the Mixer:…
Could the problem be an installer issue?
Thanks for all your work and input!
In reply to @shoogle When I click "Free… by scorster
After 10 days, still no response from MuseHub, so I posted a negative review for Guitars Vol 2 ... mainly due to the lack of support.
That's cool and all, but can you guys fix the playback issues with partial ties? They broke in 4.5, the update where partial ties were introduced. Partial ties were a main selling point of 4.5, so I'd hope they get fixed ASAP. Otherwise, update is great.
In reply to That's cool and all, but can… by coderqc
? Partial ties weren't even a thing before 4.5; how could it have broken? But it is true the new partial tie feature is for the engraving only so far; playback should be coming in a future update.
In reply to ? Partial ties eerent' even… by Marc Sabatella
Hey Marc, I've watched your videos, and seen lots of your responses on the forums, genuinely very helpful, and you seem like you value being a helpful person and having people become Musescore enthusiasts. I don't know if you see how alienating your bluntness can sometimes be, though, when your written responses can be read as disdainful. You're absolutely right that it doesn't make sense that playback has been broken, i.e. this may not be a regression, but your response can be read as if you are offended.
In this case, a user who is struggling enough to make a comment has asked for help. Your response can be read as a defensive dismissal of their struggle, because you didn't like how they implied a regression. I don't think that was your intention, but it is easy for a new commenter who may be outside their comfort zone to feel wronged by an unkind assumption about their personal character.
Here's how I would have responded:
> Since partial ties are indeed brand new to 4.5, playback for them isn't yet released, but should be coming in a future update! If playback actually gets worse when you add partial ties, please describe the issue a bit more, or post it in the forums so that a bug report can be made.
I don't mean to single you out here, the limitations of text communication have been a constant struggle on Stack Overflow for years, and they have some great discussions on how to respond kindly to misguided or incomplete questions.
In reply to Hey Marc, I've watched your… by FrostbiteGeek
Sorry if it came off as defensive. That was not my intent - it was to express confusion, hence the leading "?". But if that somehow came off as being defensive, I certainly apologize for the unintended misread. The point was, the person I was responding to stated that something had broken, but we don't yet have enough information to understand what they mean. Hence my request for clarification.
Percussion workspace/panel in 4.5.0 is so big and it appears to gain too much on score workspace. The older version 4.4.3 layout was much easier to use and easy to customize kit. Customizing the percussion in Version 4.5.0 does not work and provides no sound. For example, for a snare, if we edit a note-head with a new one that we want, it provide no sound at all.
In reply to Percussion workspace/panel… by Sovannara
I agree with the statement.
In reply to I agree with the size. We… by Proxima Centau…
Me too, I was hoping this patch would add a way to use the old system. The new one makes it so much more complicated to add open hihats.
In reply to Me too, I was hoping this… by Bresianos
There is! Edit > Preferences > Percussion has the option :)
In reply to Percussion workspace/panel… by Sovannara
I made a bug report post about this issue a while ago. I got this response from Zac Jansheski, the QA Manual Engineer at Muse. I believe they are working on this, which you can read at the end of these email messages below. He says: "The trend I've seen is that we can make a lot of users happy if everything can at least be changed to an x. It's something I plan to look at in the next month or two after MuseScore Studio 4.5 is released."
The way I understand it, notation and engraving are closely linked in Musescore 4.0+, so it takes a lot of extra code to allow for extra other noteheads to work with playback unfortunately.
His first message:
Hi Nick!
I am writing to you about your bug report.
This issue should only happen if you are changing noteheads (the sampler is pretty strict about noteheads). It should not happen when you just change the staff line.
Out of curiosity, what noteheads specifically do you need to work? We can enable more noteheads, but it costs more lines of code.
Regarding the plug-in. We don't have any management of that plug-in so I'm afraid we are unable to assist with that.
Message: In Musescore VDL, specifically for snare drum, assigning some sounds a different default staff line in the drumset editor breaks playback. The sound that should be there is replaced with a normal hit sound. Specifically, the Rim Shot, Rim, Stick Click, and Cross Stick are the ones I've run into while writing that don't work. There might be more, but I haven't looked into every sound. I assign noteheads to different staff lines all the time in my marching percussion writing. I'm hoping this gets fixed soon! (Also, I would really love an update to the fix-to-line plugin. I tried commenting on the github repo and haven't seen a response. It's a functionality I'm sorely missing in my writing process)
To which I responded:
Ah, I see. I didn’t consider that. That’s an interesting issue, but it makes sense how closely linked the notation and sound are in 4.0+
I personally use:
- X notehead black for rim shots (not gocks or pings, just normal rim shots)
- Plus notehead black for rim
- X notehead black for stick clicks
- Triangle notehead up black for cross sticks
- Diamond half notehead for backsticks
I don’t think the issue here is limited to my use case. Marching percussion arrangers use all sorts of different noteheads for different techniques. I think the more pressing question now that I understand the scenario better is: “is there a way to change the notehead without changing the sound?”
Four workarounds I can think of:
1. Create a separate score with the default noteheads specifically for audio playback and mostly ignore audio on the main score
2. Use the “notehead type” menu in the note section of the properties panel. I’ve never gotten this to work though? (I’ve only tried percussion) It would be a really great and fast fix if it didn’t effect playback.
3. Use unused sounds/pitches in the drumset with the “correct” notehead on top of the desired pitch with the “wrong” notehead. Correct pitch would playback and be hidden visually, and correct notehead would not playback and be shown visually.
4. One I just thought of (tedious, but I think it works): replace from the symbols section of the master palette for each note.
Please let me know if you’ve got any other ideas, or if I’m using the notehead type menu incorrectly or something. Maybe it’s not meant to work with percussion? Don’t worry about adding a ton of code for my specific use case. I’d rather the app be better for more people and me find the workaround.
Thanks Zac! Appreciate your response.
And finally received:
That notehead type menu only works for tonal instruments, you are not using it wrong. Percussion in MuseScore is designed to be "locked in" to the defined drumset, which is sometimes very nice, and sometimes a bit difficult to work with.
The trend I've seen is that we can make a lot of users happy if everything can at least be changed to an x. It's something I plan to look at in the next month or two after MuseScore Studio 4.5 is released.
I often advise people to write using the defaults, make a copy, then edit the other copy for engraving purposes. Ideally you shouldn't have to do this, but it's not that unusual of a workflow for any notation program.
In reply to Percussion workspace/panel… by Sovannara
Drum kit customization works exactly the same as before . Not sure what might be going wrong in your score, but best to start a new thread in the Support forum and attach the score there and give precise steps to reproduce the problem. Then we can understand and assist better.
The easier to use part is that it's now only a single click, plus you can click directly onto the score on any line and get the correct note, plus you can define as many keybaord shortcuts as you want - it's actually a huge upgrade!
Quando exporto para midi, não abedece 1ª e 2ª casa.
There still are many issues:
1. When working with old musescore sounds like voice and piano, if you play the voices only, a delayed piano sound will be playing along the voices even if it's nothing written in the piano part. This can be fixed if you choose the muse sounds, but this shouldn't be the solution...
Same problem with the metronome...playing a second instrument delayed at the same time of the metronome click which is annoying. I found by choosing the metronome from musesounds this is fixed but the clicks are not very distinguishable with that metronome version. Again, you should fix this problem
At some points, if you are changing, alternating windows between musescore and other program and try midi input note, there are times where if you play, it adds many notes in the same voice in one beat, it get stuck until you hit your keyboard many times to force the program to move to next beats. This is very annoying.
Same with lyrics, if you are copying and pasting your lyrics one by one, if you do it fast, there's a point where even if you hit paste, it doesn't paste the rest of your lyrics and stop you to move forward unless you copy your text again and paste it one by one from the last part it stopped.
If you decide to disable "auto-place" for tempo marks like ritardando or a tempo, it doesn't still let you drag them whenever you want. I didn't want to show it above my vocal parts cause it was a piano part, I wanted to drag it there and it doesn't let me and ruin the layout and engraving of my score... because it seems it's automatically set as above by default when you have other instruments, that's annoying!
Last and worst: When you quit the entering notes Mode, if you are using a MIDI and you want to play before entering the notes, it plays the last instrument you selected, which is annoying. How is it possible an instrument is sounding if nothing is selected but you are just using your MIDI keyboard. This is so frustrating.
This update has been a real disappointment
In reply to There still are many issues:… by MichelCA
Did you open issue about any of these before/ I can't reproduce any problems with any of what you describe, so probably best to first post to the Supoprot forum, attach your score, and give precise steps to reproduce each problem (one post per problem).
To show tempo above the piano instead of vocal, no need to resort to dragging - us the new facility in the Layout panel to add a system text object wherever you want.
Is there a feature to add different notes on playback, when repeating?
In reply to Is there a feature to add… by domantasmilev1
No. To get that you have to "unroll" the repeat: IOW, add measures and insert a second copy of the repeated measures in the blank measures as if there had never been a repeat sign.
For me, Glissando portamento playback sometimes play earlier than intended and doesn't play at its placed spot. I found this frequent from scores from older versions. I have tried deleting the whole bar, and replacing it from scratch, but it still doesn't work.
In reply to For me, Glissando portamento… by jz4601989
This sub-forum (Announcements) is intended to be used for the latest news from the MuseScore Team. You would probably be better off posting this elsewhere. In this case, to ask for help and report bugs, likely the Support and bug reports sub-forum ( would be the best choice, and would be more likely to get you a resolution soonest.
Can you guys fix the mixed percussion editor so that it's grounded to the bottom like the old one rather then awkwardly blocking your screen?
In reply to Can you guys fix the mixed… by meltedgingerbread81
This is already fixed. If your panel got undocked because of the specifics of how the initial 4.5 update was installed on your system, just redock it to its default position via View / Restore the default layout. Then it should stay there. Anyone who skipped 4.5 and went straight to 4.5.1 should already see it docked by default.
Before today's update to version 4.5.1, I was able to enlarge the header (title & p. number) by clicking on it, which highlighted it, and the properties pane would open and I could increase the font size. But after today's update, I can no longer do that -- and I couldn't find any other way to do it. Any help?
Hey can you fix the issue where when I click N to toggle note input, it doesn't exit note input mode? It's fairly frustrating