Bars moving on top of each other

• Sep 23, 2014 - 17:15

So I'm trying to score something and the bars keep moving on top of each other and now the rests that are in a bar aren't being replaced either?! Any help!!!


Can you share the score you're having this problem with and attach I here? Sounds like a corrupted score, but we'd need to see to confirm. Also whoag version of MuseScore and what OS?

Are you familiar with Voices ? Sounds like you might have accidentally switched to another voice and not realized it. but yes, (much) more information, including the score itself, would normally be needed to be of much help.

All sorted now, re-booted my system and finished it off from my last save, strangely I hadn't altered any settings as I have quite simply manually inputted each note in!? I have had it happen before but usually removing what I'd typed and cutting the bar worked, this time there was no joy!

For reference for others though, I use Mavericks OSX and Musescore 1.3

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